Breckenridge Presents:

snow sculptures are lit up by colorful lights at night in Breckenridge

International Snow Sculpture Championships

A Dia de los Muertos face getting painted at Breckenridge
A Dia de los Muertos face getting painted at Breckenridge

Breckenridge Dia De Los Muertos

October 18 - 19, 2024

Dia De Los Muertos, or “Day of the Dead,” is a multi-day, traditional Mexican holiday celebrating ancestors and loved ones who’ve passed. This is not a day of sadness, but a day where the dead come alive to celebrate with family and friends, and to come together support one another’s spiritual journeys.

Breck Create marks the closing of Hispanic Heritage Month and looks forward to Day of the Dead with a two-day celebration of culture featuring hands-on workshops, face painting, art installations and performances on the Arts District Campus.

Breck Create marca el cierre del Mes de la Herencia Hispana y anticipa el Día de Muertos, una celebración de dos días de la cultura que incluye talleres prácticos, pintura de caras, instalaciones de arte y actuaciones en el Campus del Distrito de las Artes.


Dia De Los Muertos 2024 Highlights:

  • Live performances & traditional Aztec dancing
  • Cultural activities & storytelling
  • La Lotería
  • Face Painting
  • Ofrenda demonstrations

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Parking & Transportation
Getting to and around Breckenridge is easy and convenient, due to free transportation options and our easily walkable town. Learn how to go car-free during your trip.

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downtown Breckenridge at dusk
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Embrace The Spirit

BLike Breckenridge™️ is a movement born of the spirit of our historic mountain town for those who call it home—whether for a weekend or a lifetime—to live by. It is a cause that connects us to each other, that we can all be a part of.